Toko Ski Wax

Innovative from the very beginning. Ever since the company was founded, the development of advanced products has been an essential component of the Toko philosophy. Today, Toko is a leading global company with excellent future prospects in the areas of ski, textile and footwear care.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Saturday, 11 March: Rib Lake Hinder Binder: Rib Lake, WI

Toko Wax Recommendations...

Toko Ski Wax

Rib Lake Hinder Binder
Rib Lake, WI
Sat, 11 March (rescheduled): 22K Classic @ 10AM, 22K Skate @ 10:15
Forecast/Conditions: Fri night lows near 30’F s with Sat highs
in the mid to upper 40’s with rain/thunderstorms expected. Expect
somewhat dirty, wet, machined corn snow track conditions.
Glidewax: Apply Dibloc LF Moly, scrape and brush then apply a
mix of Dibloc HF Moly/HF Yellow (1:1 ratio), scrape and brush.
Prepare ski base with Yellow Side of the Toko Dual Pad, spray on
Helx Warm completely covering base and allow to dry at room
temperature (if applying Helx outdoors, use a Roto Cork until the
Helx is dry). Polish base with the White Side of the Toko Dual Pad.
Gripwax: Roughen grip zone with 180 grit sandpaper. Apply Base
Green Klister, iron, and smoothen with thumb while still warm. Apply
a mix of Carbon Orange/Carbon Silver Klisters (1:1 ratio). Note that
Sportline Universal Klister would also be an excellent klister choice
for this event.
Structure: Corn Snow (Coarse Linear) Stonegrind or 2 passes
with the Course Linear Toko Structure-Rite Tool.
Visit Toko at or write to us at Call the Toko
WaxTip line, (877) TWAX-TIP or check the Waxtip page at
before all of your races for the latest waxing information.
Racing - Service
The TOKO WAX TIPLINE offers racers precise waxing advice on how to make your skis PERFORM
OPTIMALLY for a given event. For racers who don’t have top end waxes available, skip the Flourocarbon
(Helx, Jetstream), and substitute the LF or System-3 wax of the same color (LF or System-3 Red for HF
Red). Additionally, for racers who do not have a Roto-Cork (for applying Jetstream), this step can be
replaced by vigorously corking with a dedicated Plasto-Cork.


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